Checking Installation

Checking PHP version (your version is 8.1.31)GOOD
Checking UTF-8 supportGOOD
Checking if safe mode is enabled for install scriptGOOD
Checking there is no 'config_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'custom_constants_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'custom_strings_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'custom_functions_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'custom_relationships_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'mc_config_defaults_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD
Checking there is no 'mc_config_inc.php' file in 1.2.x location.GOOD

Installation Options

Type of Database
Hostname (for Database Server)
Username (for Database)
Password (for Database)
Database name (for Database)
Admin Username (to create Database if required)
Admin Password (to create Database if required)
Database Table Prefix    
Database Plugin Table Prefix    
Database Table Suffix    On Oracle < 12cR2, max length for identifiers is 30 chars. Keep pre/suffixes as short as possible to avoid problems.
Default Time Zone
Print SQL Queries instead of Writing to the Database
Attempt Installation